Monday, December 5, 2011

Culinary Creations

This past weekend I was in a serious mood to cook some fancy h'orsderves.  Saturday evening we had a blizzard of snow, so the family and I just hung out at my Mom and Dad's, cooked some tasty treats, and had wine.  It was so cozy and the food turned out great!  Making unique appetizers is one of our favorite things to do.  Although the recipes take more time and skill, it is definately worth it in the end. 

Crostini with proscuitto and garlic herbed butter
Crab and red bell pepper crostini
Andouille sausage stuffed mushrooms
White vanilla cupcakes with buttercream frosting

*Also, check out the new recipe under the Good Eats tab. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Luke and I are both lucky enough to still have all of our immediate Grandparent's with us today.  Today I was reminded of someone in Heaven.  Almost two years ago, my Great Grandmother passed away.  I don't deal well with death or pain in the people I love.  I don't like to confront it, so I did not see my Great Grandma before she went to Heaven.  I chose rather to remember her in her happy days and moments - and I am happy with that decision.  I now only remember the happy times I spent with her, not her painful days.  I kept a single flower from my Great Grandma's funeral and I still have it, after almost two years.  I keep it in my car so that I always have a Guardian Angel protecting me while I'm on the road.  It's in a secret hiding spot, but every now and again I come across it and smile.  Today was one of those days.  I came across the flower which represents my Great Grandma.  I had a breif moment and told her the latests in my life.  The biggest news I had for her was the news that I, her Great-Granddaughter is engaged to be married.  Tears filled my eyes, as I was sad that she will not physically be a part of one of the biggest days in my life.  Then I had tears of happiness, as I remembered her and all that she has given me.  If it wasn't for her, I would not have Nana, and I would not have my amazing Mother.  You never know when a tiny little flower might show up, and how it can speak volumes in your life!   

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


The Thanksgiving holiday and hunting season had me busy the past couple of weeks, and I am finally rested up now!  The hunting season was fun.  Unfortunately this was my third year that I ended the season empty-handed.  I entered the season thinking "there's no way I will not get one for a third year!!"  Well, it happened...again.  I am determined for next year!  There's no way it can happen 4 years in a row, right?  Thanksgiving was also delightful.  Luke and I spent Thanksgiving with his family and we had lots of yummy food, that's for sure!  Other news:  Wedding planning is still the same.  We won't have much to do until it gets closer now.  My parents got their Christmas tree last weekend and my mom has the house all decorated for the Holiday so I am excited to spend this weekend at home, sleeping in, and doing homework.  Oh, did I mention that I graduate college in 2 weeks?  EEEKKK!!  My semester has been so low-key, but now of course I have final projects due in all three classes that we just got assigned yesterday.  It's going to be a busy few weeks for me.  It's overwhelming to stop and think about all the changes that are happening in my life.  All for the good of course, but still overwhelming at times!  The change I'm most excited for is getting married!!!  Did you know Christmas is in 26 days!!!  WOOOHOOO!!  Enjoy the weekend, everyone.  I am headed home this weekend for a Christmas party and to relax!

The Valentino Family Chsitmas Tree

Friday, November 18, 2011

hunting Eve

Well, it's that time of year again....the Eve of the opening weekend of deer hunting in Wisconsin.  I thought a lot today back to my first years of deer hunting with my Dad.  12 years ago was my first year.  The first couple years we had feet and feet of snow!  I spent my first couple of years sitting with my Dad.  He was and still is such a great teacher in the outdoors.  He taught me everything I know about being an active outdoors-woman.  It started as just a tradition between me and my Dad.  Just him and I, every year, in our blaze orange, out in the woods.  A few years ago, my younger sister decided to take on the sport as well.  She came with us for 2 seasons, but just didn't have the interest in continuing the sport.  I am glad she tried it at least, because many of our young youth, especially girls don't try this male-dominated sport.  She was sitting with me when she got her first buck.  I guess Dad's good teaching skills rubbed off on me as well!  Luke was recently inducted into the Valentino Deer Camp as well.  This will be his 3rd year with us.  My brother-in-law Phil will also be joining us this year.  At times it's hard for me to face the fact that our family is growing from a hunting standpoint.  It's not just Dad and I out there anymore...Yes, I even had a hard time "letting" my own fiance join us.  It's not because I am a mean or selfish person.  A lot of people don't understand how seriously I take this sport and the fact that it has always been Me and Dad's "thing."  When your used to just the "me and dad thing" it's sometime difficult for me to step back and realize that other family members should be a part of it as well.  It will always be me and Dad's "thing" because it's been our special bonding time together for 12 years now!  I'm glad that I have so many years of special experiences hunting with Dad and I know we have many more years ahead.  Now, lets see if Luke and Phil can "roll with the big dogs this weekend."  Wish us all luck as we head to Valentino Deer Camp tonight and hunt trophy whitetail all weekend long!

    My Mom ordered us awesome hats and shirts for the occasion!